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Detoxify Is a Lie | Why Your Body Needs It

Good day my future stalkers. Today’s post on how to detoxify your body will be a different one. We will still be talking about how to detox your body, but we won’t have a review of a specific method. As you can tell so far, this post won’t be as informational and cold-hearted as the others, but I’m sure you’ll still come out with information on detoxification and how it relates to your body. I’m coming down from the heavens of research to reach some misguided people on they’re own playing fields. Without further ado…

Detoxification. I’ve been researching for topics to post, even though I haven’t in a while, I’m still researching, guess what I’ll post something for you today *hint hint*. I’ve come across a few lamebrains concerning the detox foot patches who have it stuck in their minds that detoxification isn’t a real process.

What the fuck.

Detoxification isn’t a real process? Now being a person obviously interested in the damn subject, that still doesn’t add to the reason why I believe detoxification IS a real thing. I mean come on; even a child knows such things are FACT. (Okay, so you could’ve forgotten what you’ve learned at school as a kid, that’s normal…but NOT an excuse to stay behind in the passenger seat. NOW is the time to step it up, don’t fall behind again!)

Time to sit down with a cup of coffee folks, this will be a long post.

How The Body Detoxifies Itself

What is the purpose of excreting solid or liquid material every now and then throughout the day? Now I could end the post right there and we’ll be on the same page suddenly and figure out that the body itself is one way you can detoxify your body. For the clueless still, simple things are going on here. You eat food, drink some fluids and wait. Then your body hijacks the vitamins and minerals in order to use them as nutrients and fuel your body and processes. The rest of the food and drink come out your body either through your ass or the respective locations in the frontal area (just around the pelvis) of a male or female. And they do not come in pairs, my little teenage pervs.

Guess what, that is one way to detoxify your body people. I could’ve rewritten that question but I wanted to drag you along for an explanation, just so I can be sure I’ve done my part, and those lost are just hopeless. (What can I say- Excuse my mood today)

So the question of today: if the body can detoxify itself, why do we have these detox products? I answer, “Why do we have any product?” Huh?

Simple, yet again, but sometimes even the simplest answer is the hardest to recognize.

The History Of Detoxification, Sort Of

All products, techniques, machines, etc. born into society from our minds are created to make our lives easier by making them more efficient. If you believe the former statement, then you should also trust me when I say we do not need any of it.

For example, yes - even toothpaste and soap. We make these things with our hands - every person with some culture and tradition in them should suddenly remember and be nodding their heads at this point. You see, these homemade products get us by the processes of, in this case, oral and body health. They get us clean ENOUGH to last the day and be healthy.

But neither you nor do I will settle for anything that gets us to GOOD ENOUGH, we want to excel past that, and that is what all products are made for. They strap us on a rocket ship and crash through GOOD ENOUGH and take us into ADVANCED.

Toothpastes and soap that are manufactured not only gets our teeth and body healthy ENOUGH, they make us HEALTHIER so that some special things might occur: instead of just cleaning the germs off of us, we’ve become so healthy we start KILLING germs AFTER we cleaned ourselves. Or sometimes the soap recipe goes stale and we can’t clean ourselves good enough, a soap product will ENSURE that you are clean AS POSSIBLE, instead clean ENOUGH, so you can bet your right arm that you are healthy enough to make it through the day.

Why Do You NEED To Detoxify Your Body

Back to detoxification and the products created in this topic. With every action there is a consequence. There are so many advanced piles of crap out there, but we can’t have all the good stuff for free, right? So how do we pay for these things being made for us other than out of our wallets? How about with our minds, bodies, emotions and spirits? Huh?
Focus, with anything created in the world today there is BOUND to be some side effect created at the same time: pollution you might recognize it to be. Chemical, chemicals, chemicals people.

They’re in our air, in our water, in our land, and IN OUR BODIES. Can you see where I’m going?

You already now know that the body DOES in fact remove wastes by one of the many processes that we happen to us unconsciously every day. I’m pretty sure you will believe me when I say we can absorb these same wastes ( yes, I just said what I just said, and people have, will, and continue to do it - nasty) into our bodies, thereby intoxicating our bodies with useless, good for nothing waste that contribute nothing but the bad stuff - diseases, illness, puke ( I’m still stuck on the sentence above), and so on. We even get mentally ill - stress, headaches, memory loss, paralysis - people these issues are no myth and I don’t have to go on, you live in the same world as I do, you know the horrors that occur day in and day out.

What, then I DARE ask, makes it so impossible to believe that we can absorb ANY harmful substance into our bodies, and that these substances will ALSO cause these same or even WORSE effects to us? I’m ashamed to write a post, but today in this age, we’ve moved up so fast that we’ve forgotten a few things in the past that helped us reach these places we are today.
Come on people, do you STILL disbelieve in detoxification? Do you think the body can’t remove these new chemicals being created just so you can lose more weight instead of getting off the chair and getting active for reasons other than “recess time”?

This post is so long, I’m going to do a part 2 to wrap up. Next post coming soon (no worries): Natural Body Detox, only here at How To Detoxify Your Body. Ciao.

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How To Detox Your Body